Wet immersion enamel glaze
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Wet immersion enamel glaze
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Technical parameters
Special effects enamel glaze refers to special effects enamel glaze, which is used to coat ceramic, glass or metal surfaces to create special visual and decorative effects. This glaze usually has some unique characteristics:

1. Various effects: This glaze can create various special effects, such as metallic luster, pearlescent, crystal clear, frosted, etc. They can give a piece a unique look and texture.

2. Durability: This kind of glaze usually has strong wear and corrosion resistance, making its effect on ceramic, glass or metal surfaces longer-lasting.

3. Easy to apply: Most special effect enamel glazes can be easily applied to the surface, and different effects can be achieved through different coating techniques (such as brushing, spraying, dipping, etc.).

4. Creativity: They provide space for artists and makers to express their creativity and can be layered, mixed or used individually to create personalized effects and decorations.

5. Wide range of applications: These special effect enamel glazes can be applied to a variety of materials, such as ceramics, glass products, metal crafts, etc., providing options for creativity and decoration in different fields.

It should be noted that different brands and types of special effect enamel glazes may have different properties and uses, so when selecting and using them, it is best to choose based on specific needs and the characteristics of the material.
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