glaze slurry

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  • GWIPPO workshop | glaze slurry (ground glaze) aging and storage
    Apr 07,2024 GWIPPO workshop | glaze slurry (ground glaze) aging and storage
    After grinding, the glaze slurry has to be stored in the container for a period of time, the process is called aging. Its purpose is to make the glaze slurry adapting to the requirements of the enamelling:It is recommended that the base glaze slurry be stored in a ceramic jar or stainless steel container and must be protected from light. It is recommended that the storage room temperature should not exceed 25°C.
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  • GWIPPO Silicon Pu Classroom丨Operational Performance of Glaze Slurry
    Jun 06,2024 GWIPPO Silicon Pu Classroom丨Operational Performance of Glaze Slurry
    1. Flowability and yieldingFlowability refers to the performance of the glaze slurryto evenly coat the metal. Typical enamelling methods such as dip enamelling, electrophoresis, spraying, etc. r
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