GWIPPO School Diary丨School Cases
Sep 03,2024
GWIPPO School Diary

Don't panic when school starts, enjoy hot water immediately! Whether you want a relaxing bath after intense study, or a warm hot water rinse after running wildly on the winter playground, GWIPPO water heaters can always respond quickly and give you the most thoughtful care.

School Hot Water Project

Jiangsu Yixing No. 1 Middle School Zhoutie Branch 200L15kw, 455L90kw.

Suzhou High-tech Zone Xinsheng Experimental Primary School 500L90kw.

Qinghai Xining No. 1 Private School 200L15kw.

Qinghai Xining Mingzhi Private High School 300L15kw.

Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences Banzhuyuan Campus 500L45kw.

Suzhou Xinsu Experimental Primary School 500L54KW.

Xi'an Baqiao District Textile City Primary School Fuli Branch 500L75kw.

Xinjiang Energy Vocational and Technical College 300L75kw, 300L54kw.

Wuxi Binhu School Affiliated to East China Normal University 500L, 1000L, 2000L.

Let us welcome every possible tomorrow with full enthusiasm and warm company! Happy school start, GWIPPO is with you!
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