GWIPPO Silicon Pu Case丨Wuxi Binhu School Affiliated to East China Normal University
Jul 26,2024

GWIPPO Silicon Pu Case丨Wuxi Binhu School Affiliated to East China Normal University

❑ The school is located at the intersection of Wuxi Luma Highway and Changle Road, with a total investment of about 500 million yuan.

❑ The total construction area of the project is about 75,000 square meters, which can accommodate 36 classes (primary school) and 24 classes (junior high school).

❑ The main construction content is the primary school, middle school, administrative and teaching complex, auditorium and teacher dormitory, gymnasium, restaurant and student dormitory.
GWIPPO Silicon Pu Case丨Wuxi Binhu School Affiliated to East China Normal University
The school's gymnasium, cafeteria, and dormitory building use the pressurized hot water system provided by our company, which has stable water pressure, comfortable water use, large capacity, and energy saving of 30% compared with ordinary open water tanks.

Equipment entering the site

GWIPPO Silicon Pu Case丨Wuxi Binhu School Affiliated to East China Normal University

GWIPPO Silicon Pu Case丨Wuxi Binhu School Affiliated to East China Normal University

GWIPPO Silicon Pu Case丨Wuxi Binhu School Affiliated to East China Normal University

GWIPPO Silicon Pu Case丨Wuxi Binhu School Affiliated to East China Normal University

Equipment installation completed

GWIPPO Silicon Pu Case丨Wuxi Binhu School Affiliated to East China Normal University

GWIPPO Silicon Pu Case丨Wuxi Binhu School Affiliated to East China Normal University

GWIPPO Silicon Pu Case丨Wuxi Binhu School Affiliated to East China Normal University

GWIPPO Silicon Pu Case丨Wuxi Binhu School Affiliated to East China Normal University

GWIPPO Silicon Pu Case丨Wuxi Binhu School Affiliated to East China Normal University

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