GWIPPO丨Scorching summer, send coolness to front-line employees!
Aug 15,2024

GWIPPO丨Scorching summer, send coolness to front-line employees!

GWIPPO丨Scorching summer, send coolness to front-line employees!

GWIPPO丨Scorching summer, send coolness to front-line employees!

The Dou points to the southwest, and Wei is the beginning of autumn

Today is the twenty-four solar terms - the beginning of autumn. Although it is the beginning of autumn, it is not autumn. The sun is scorching and the temperature is gushing. In order to understand and care about the production and life of employees in the hot summer, Shengang Labor Union and company leaders have carried out condolences and sent coolness to employees.
GWIPPO丨Scorching summer, send coolness to front-line employees!GWIPPO丨Scorching summer, send coolness to front-line employees!GWIPPO丨Scorching summer, send coolness to front-line employees!
Summer heat, Send condolences

The hot summer is hot, and the heat of safe development remains unabated.

Let us pay high tribute to every adherent and struggler in GWIPPO under high temperature!

GWIPPO丨Scorching summer, send coolness to front-line employees!

GWIPPO丨Scorching summer, send coolness to front-line employees!

As a production enterprise, the test of high temperature is particularly heavy. Among many tests, the safety and health of employees is the top priority. Caring for employees is both a true expression of feelings and a real requirement. Send the most sincere blessings to the employees who stick to their posts in the hot summer, and hope they are healthy and happy!
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